워리어 콤보 모작 개발일지

워리어콤보 모작 개발일지 - 04 [StageInfo, StageReader][연습]

다모아 2023. 9. 14. 16:01



Unity - Scripting API: JsonUtility.ToJson

Internally, this method uses the Unity serializer; therefore the object you pass in must be supported by the serializer: it must be a MonoBehaviour, ScriptableObject, or plain class/struct with the Serializable attribute applied. The types of fields that y





4. 파일에서 스테이지 데이터 로드하기

유니티 3매치 퍼즐 게임 개발 과정을 공유하는 블로그입니다.


JsonUtility.FromJson과 JsonConvert.DeserializeObject의 차이

전자는 유니티 내에 있는 json기능이고

후자는 라이브러리에서 제공하는 Json기능이다.




using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public static class CellFactory
    public static Cell SpawnCell(StageInfo stageInfo, int nRow, int nCol)
        Debug.Assert(stageInfo != null);
        Debug.Assert(nRow < stageInfo.row && nCol < stageInfo.col);

        return SpawnCell(stageInfo.GetCellType(nRow, nCol));

    public static Cell SpawnCell(CellType cellType)
        return new Cell(cellType);



using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public static class StageReader
    public static StageInfo LoadStage(int nStage)
        Debug.Log($"Load Stage : Stage/{GetFileName(nStage)}");

        TextAsset asset = Resources.Load<TextAsset>($"Stage/{GetFileName(nStage)}");
        if (asset != null)
            StageInfo stageInfo = JsonUtility.FromJson<StageInfo>(asset.text);


            return stageInfo;

        return null;

    //파일 이름 숫자 4자리 읽어오기
    private static string GetFileName(int nStage)
        return string.Format("stage_{0:D4}", nStage);



using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class StageInfo
    public int row;
    public int col;

    public int[] cells;

    public override string ToString()
        return JsonUtility.ToJson(this);

    //요청한 위치에 해당되는 CellType을 리턴하는 메서드
    public CellType GetCellType(int nRow, int nCol)
        //요청한 위치가 유효한지 체크
        Debug.Assert(cells != null && cells.Length > nRow * col + nCol);

        if (cells.Length > nRow * col + nCol)
            return (CellType)cells[nRow * col + nCol];


        return CellType.EMPTY;

    //Json 데이터가 맞는지 검사 및 블럭크기랑 배열크기가 다른 경우 false 아니면 true
    public bool DoValidation()
        Debug.Assert(cells.Length == row * col);
        Debug.Log($"cell length : {cells.Length}, row, col = ({row}, {col})");

        if (cells.Length != row * col)
            return false;

        return true;



using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class StageBuilder
    private int m_nStage;

    private StageInfo m_StageInfo;

    public StageBuilder(int nStage)
        this.m_nStage = nStage;

    public Stage ComposeStage()
        //스테이지 번호가 유효한지 검사
        Debug.Assert(this.m_nStage > 0, $"Invalide Stage : {m_nStage}");

        this.m_StageInfo = LoadStage(this.m_nStage);

        Stage stage = new Stage(this, this.m_StageInfo.row, this.m_StageInfo.col);

        //Cell, Block 초기 값 생성
        for (int nRow = 0; nRow < this.m_StageInfo.row; nRow++)
            for (int nCol = 0; nCol < this.m_StageInfo.col; nCol++)
                stage.blocks[nRow, nCol] = SpawnBlockForStage(nRow, nCol);
                stage.cells[nRow, nCol] = SpawnCellForStage(nRow, nCol);

        return stage;

    private StageInfo LoadStage(int nStage)
        StageInfo stageInfo = StageReader.LoadStage(nStage);
        if (stageInfo != null)

        return stageInfo;

    private Block SpawnBlockForStage(int nRow, int nCol)
        if (this.m_StageInfo.GetCellType(nRow, nCol) == CellType.EMPTY)
            return SpawnEmptyBlock();

        return SpawnBlock();

    public Block SpawnBlock()
        return BlockFactory.SpawnBlock(BlockType.BASIC);

    public Block SpawnEmptyBlock()
        Block newBlock = BlockFactory.SpawnBlock(BlockType.EMPTY);

        return newBlock;
    private Cell SpawnCellForStage(int nRow, int nCol)
        Debug.Assert(this.m_StageInfo != null);
        Debug.Assert(nRow < this.m_StageInfo.row && nCol < this.m_StageInfo.col);

        return CellFactory.SpawnCell(this.m_StageInfo, nRow, nCol);

    public static Stage BuildStage(int nStage)
        StageBuilder stageBuilder = new StageBuilder(nStage);
        Stage stage = stageBuilder.ComposeStage();

        return stage;



row, col이 필요없어짐